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We advocate for a holistic treatment program for patients with alcohol-associated liver disease at a dedicated liver cirrhosis clinic.

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Patients should work with a nurse practitioner to learn about their disease and its progression; a hepatologist to receive treatment for their liver disease; a nutritionist to understand how diet impacts their liver; and, an addictions specialist to assist in controlling the underlying cause of their liver disease. 


We know people often search the internet for information about their disease, without being sure which sites offer the most accurate source of information.

The following medical centres and foundations represent a very small sampling of reliable sources of information about liver cirrhosis and transplantation:

University of Maryland

Johns Hopkins Medicine

University of Chicago

University of Pittsburgh

Canadian Liver Foundation

The U.S. National Institutes of Health database has a comprehensive database of research from international medical publications. Some of the articles are very technical. Others are quite easy to read.

Link to the database.


These suggestions come from personal experience with patients who have significant symptoms of cirrhosis, such as ascites (swelling in the abdomen) or malnutrition, such as muscle or weight loss. 

  • fleece or polyester bathrobes, which are softer against sensitive skin and protruding bones;

  • soft towels;

  • polyester blankets;

  • warm baths to reduce pressure felt in abdomen;

  •  warmer room temperature in room if person cannot stay 


  • food items that are comprised of one component, i.e., fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein such as beans, poultry and fish;

  • zero sodium (processed food contains sodium), seasoning food instead with spices;

  • Ensure, or other food replacement beverages;

  • Small meals or snacks, several times a day.

~Disclaimer: All suggestions found online, including on this website, should be discussed with the patient's doctor. These suggestions are not meant to be taken as, or to replace, medical​ instructions.

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